A Step-by-Step Guide To Reset Garmin Nuvi

There’s no doubt that Garmin products are intensively in demand in the world. The products or the Garmin devices have gained worldwide popularity due to the great features that it provides to its GPS device users. To make the best use of the Garmin GPS devices, updating the devices becomes mandatory. People download Garmin express to update Garmin GPS map. But, sometimes the device stop responding and you may have to go through the process of Garmin Nuvi map update, or it might require to reset Garmin Nuvi. 

But you should not reset the device until you really find it necessary to do it. You will have to troubleshoot the issue in case the device is not responding. 

But the issues can be easily resolved by resetting the Garmin GPS. But, resetting the device might not be an easy process for you, because there are various steps that you need to follow to reset the Garmin Nuvi. You will have to check or examine the device for any faults. Try to find the main root of the problem or issue. And if you find nothing then the only option is resetting the device. 

And if you are unaware of how to reset the device or you are finding any solution then you can approach our GPS experts that are 24/7 available for you at +1 800 897 1857. They are experienced and knowledgeable who can help you in a minute to resolve the issue. 

Here are the steps you need to follow to reset Garmin Nuvi device: - 

There are two ways to reset Garmin Nuvi GPS device. 

But, remember that when you will reset the device then various settings will be changed that will allow your device to get a new start. 

Let’s know the two ways through which you can perform the reset. 

1.       Hard reset

2.       Soft reset 

Soft Reset 

·         Switch on the device by pushing the power button on.

·         Release the button as soon as you see the device is switched on.

·         You will see the Garmin logo on the screen, which means that device is started and ready to use. 

If you see any issues that hinder the device to work then this is the soft reset method that will help you to resolve the issues softly. 

Hard Reset

Now, let’s know what ‘hard reset’ is and what’s the process of resetting your device using hard reset method? 

·         Detach the things that are attached to the device. Make sure you detach the power cable also.

·         Try to find a tiny button on your Garmin GPS device which is usually presented on the back of the device.

·         As the button is slightly inside the device so, you will have to use a pin or any pointed object to press the button.

·         Long press the button and do not release it until the device gets started and the lights go off as well.

·         If the device is started now you can release the button. But, wait for a few seconds.

·         Next you need to initiate the device and do all the settings to get the job done.

This is the way of doing hard reset and once you are done with it, you will see that all your favorite places, settings and preferences will get customized. 

These two are the ways through which you can reset your Garmin Nuvi device. And if you are still confused or have any doubts then contact us at +1 800 897 1857. Our GPS experts are there to help you 24/7!

Source Link: https://gpsupdateonline.com/blog-details/a-step-by-step-guide-to-reset-garmin-nuvi


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